Last Night's Conversation Between Me and a Stranger at Astro Diner
I'm dining alone and a man walks over to my table...
-Hi, I noticed your sweater (ed: it’s a coat) looks interesting and wondered if I might join you.
He looks harmless, like a Belle & Sebastian fan. He’s wearing two kinds of plaid, the male version of whatever this is:
He returns with his cup of coffee
-So, what’s your day been like?
-Just packing and cleaning up my apartment.
-oh really?
-Yes, I’m going to Texas on Thursday.
-Any particular reason?
-I’m doing South by Southwest.
-Oh! For uh, music, or….?
-Yes… What about your day?
-I played guitar for a little bit, applied for a job. A job in New York. I’m not going to get it.
-That’s the spirit. So you want to move to New York?
-Yeah, I tried to make a go of it here in LA and—
-It didn’t work out?
-What didn’t work out? Did you want to be in the entertainment industry?
-No, but I wanted to be around it.
-So what is it that you you do want to do?
-Make music, I guess.
-You guess? You don’t know what it is you want to do?
He ignores the very straightforward question and points at my notebook
-What are you writing there? Jokes?
-No, these are notes for an essay.
-I thought maybe you were writing jokes. I have jokes you know, I just don’t write them down because, I’m not a professional.
-Writing them down is how you become a professional.
-I did an open mic once, in Austin. It was really bad.
-That’s usually how it goes at first.
-Have you been doing comedy for a while?
-I guess so.
-When did you do your first open mic?
-August of 2015.
-Wow…. Let me ask you, I mean like, how did you get over… I mean, what made you keep going, if it felt bad to do it?
-I saw people who made it look fun and easy and I was excited figure out how to get there. The excitement was bigger than the feeling of being bad.
He looks like I just told him he’s a piece of garbage.
-So… your sweater, or coat, I guess… that’s really interesting. Where did you get it?
-My boyfriend gave it to me for Christmas last year.
My food comes, a naked hamburger patty with a scoop of cottage cheese and some tomato slices from the “diet menu”. There is silence as I place the tomatoes on top of the patty and cut it into small squares. He speaks again.
-Do you know Summer Emerald?
-No. Should I?
-I don’t know, I just thought… I was trying to think of comedians that you and I would have in common. She does these hilarious videos online. She did one about like, her pet lizard’s instagram account… it’s so funny.
-Oh, I have seen that one. It’s very funny.
-I do have jokes, though…
I look up from my patty squares, saying nothing
…I mean, I have like one joke, that I could tell you…
-Uh huh.
-I mean, it’s just… Okay, so I’m talking with someone right, and they ask me like, oh what kind of shampoo do you use? And—
-Who’s asking you this?
-Just like, whoever. A friend.
-Do you sit around with your friends and talk about shampoo?
-No… I mean like… it’s just normal conversation. No one’s ever asked you what kind of shampoo you use?
-Well okay… so someone asks me anyway.
-Okay. Is this a sketch? Or is this you relating a story to the audience?
-What do you mean?
-I’m just trying to figure out what the context of this is.
I say nothing. Amazingly, he goes on.
…so someone asks me oh, what kind of shampoo do you use? And then I say Head&Shoulders, right? And then they go, oh you must have dandruff then. And then I say no, because I use Head&Shoulders!
I am silent.
…It’s not really a joke, I guess.
More silence. I want to let it sit before I speak again:
-No, it’s more of a commercial. For Head&Shoulders.
-I guess so.
pause. I break the silence.
-This was all mildly amusing up until you yelled at me to listen to a shitty joke You can leave my table now.
-I’m sorry, I’ll leave you alone.
He gets up and leaves the diner, possibly the country. I go back to my hamburger patty.
Men are wild.
The best version of
"You know, people say I should do stand-up"
"Do it then"
I've seen / heard in a while.
The way some people's (read: men's) minds blow-up when they realize they're maybe not the main character and aren't being babied by a woman they've imposed themselves on for the first time is really something. The cringe was so palpable I could taste it. Ty for your service.